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Hey devs, ever wish there was a tab to help you stay ahead in the ever-changing tech world? Say hello to daily.dev, the homepage developers deserve. And yes, we’re open source 💜
daily.dev is a platform that keeps you in the loop without the hassle of scouring the web for the latest dev updates. Every time you open a new tab, we’ll bring you a personalized feed of tech content that’s tailored to your specific interests. No fluff, just the good stuff. 200,000+ developers use and love it every day.
What’s the deal with daily.dev? 🧐
🌟 Stay in the know: Fresh, relevant content tailored to your interests, so you never miss a beat.
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🧠 Smart curation: Our engine brings you only the cream of the crop.
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So if you’re curious about AI, machine learning and data science, we have the latest from the ChatGPT and Bard wars. If you’re into blockchain and crypto, we cover that. There’s great content about web development, mobile development, DevOps, Python and of course Open Source, everyone loves Open Source. There’s also updates about reality shows, politics and the latest trends in elite fashion. Just kidding! daily.dev is only for developers.
Ready to turbocharge your life? It’s a before and after kind of experience. Install daily.dev and become part of our thriving community of 200,000+ devs who can’t imagine life without us 🤖
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