
Demons Roots
女魔王梅丽莎的冒险/Demon Queen Melissa
勇者闯魔穴/Milky Quest II
大小姐x管家x魔女之岛/The Maiden, the Butler, and the Witch
茜镇怪异录/Pixel Town: Akanemachi Mystery
亡国少女谢莉尔/Belial Red
妃神会秘史/My Life as a Cult Leader
神乐幸存者:永夜/Kagura Survivors: Endless Night
姬械技师 莉斯塔的大冒险/Mechaneer Resta’s Grand Adventure
欲望的圣痕 ~堕入深渊的圣洁修女~/Stigmata of Sacrilege
茜镇怪异录2/Pixel Town: Akanemachi Mystery 2
OBSCURITE MAGIE ~ 强欲冒险家与王室之血/Obscurite Magie: The Blood of Kings
无知少女的乡村韵事/Country Bumpkin Yutaka
螺旋溯行的绝望乡/Spiral Dystopia

神峰忍法帖/Kunoichi Demon Slayers
魅魔牢狱~无尽轮回~/Succubus Prison
精灵娇妻洛蕾塔/Loretta’s Brand-New Job
妮菲娅的试炼/Nifa’s First Mission
寻宝猎人舞~传奇至宝~/Mai and the Legendary Treasure
厄里斯绝色讨灭传/Eris Dysnomia
叛道武士/Samurai Vandalism
驱炼辉晶 艾梅狄乌斯/Quarta Amethyst
穿越奥雷库塔沙漠/Mage of the Olekta Desert
祈愿诗篇/Pray Game
地下城军团-献予魔王的少女们-/Dungeon’s Legion
关于我转生变成魅魔这档事/That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Succubus
泽温公主/Princess of Zeven
勇闯一线天/Sujimon Quest
退魔师紫苑/Demon Slayer Shion
菲拉娜与圣灵药/Philana and the Elixir of Life
交易街的屑卫兵~&APPEND/The Black Guards of Odom – Desert Town Prison
冬日狂想曲/Winter Memories

落败男妖的白给之旅/Incubus Quest
此后,勇者不知所踪/And the Hero Was Never Seen Again
堕欲天使/Paradise Angel
剑斗姬希丝缇娜~圣选之子~/Sword Princess Sistina
琴子最近有点怪/Kotoko’s a Little Weird
妹相随~黑白世界的缤纷冒险~/Living With Sister: Monochrome Fantasy

世界之卵~梦幻的白百合~/The World’s Egg – For Those Who Dream
监狱岛的女看守/Island of Penance
雪莉尔的大冒险~金色巨龙与遗迹之岛~/Sheryl ~The Alchemist of the Island Ruins~
艾妮希雅与契约纹 ~马蹄大街的娇弱圣女~/Enishia and the Binding Brand
背德的四重奏/Forsaken Quartet
茜镇怪异录3/Pixel Town: Akanemachi Sideshow
堕艳的圣女伊赫乌蒂/Fallen Saint Yhoundeh